The event was very productive, as not only did he meet everyone on a more personal level, but cultural experiences were exchanged, lessons were learned and having just celebrated 10 YEARS! The main focus was on the next ten years of the organization and its goals of international expansion.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
CUFA USA hosts honorary dinner for President Preto Zeze of CUFA Brazil
The team of CUFA USA Los Angeles hosted a dinner for Preto Zeze, the current Brazilian organization's National President where he was awarded a CUFA USA t-shirt.
The event was very productive, as not only did he meet everyone on a more personal level, but cultural experiences were exchanged, lessons were learned and having just celebrated 10 YEARS! The main focus was on the next ten years of the organization and its goals of international expansion.
The event was very productive, as not only did he meet everyone on a more personal level, but cultural experiences were exchanged, lessons were learned and having just celebrated 10 YEARS! The main focus was on the next ten years of the organization and its goals of international expansion.
Monday, May 23, 2011
How you can help Joplin,Missouri relief efforts
A man carries a young girl who was rescued after being trapped with her mother in their home after a tornado hit Joplin, Mo. on Sunday evening, May 22, 2011. The tornado tore a path a mile wide and four miles long destroying homes and businesses. / AP Photo/Mike Gullett
How you can help:
How you can help:
Red Cross
• Red Cross is not accepting material donations but is taking monetary donations.
You can donate by log onto Red Cross Greater Ozarks Regional Chapter at
You may also come to Red Cross’ Springfield office, 1545 N. West Bypass.
Or you can donate by calling the toll-free number 866-206-0256. You can also text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross.
You can donate by log onto Red Cross Greater Ozarks Regional Chapter at
You may also come to Red Cross’ Springfield office, 1545 N. West Bypass.
Or you can donate by calling the toll-free number 866-206-0256. You can also text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross.
Salvation Army
• The Salvation Army is accepting non-perishable food donations at its Springfield location, 1707 W. Chestnut Expressway.
Those wishing to send monetary donations to help with this disaster should designate those donations with the word “Joplin.”
Habitat for Humanity
• Habitat for Humanity is collecting items such as water, blankets, toiletry items, food, batteries, medical supplies, etc. Please bring items to the ReStore located at 2410 S. Scenic Avenue. Habitat will deliver the items to a central location/drop-off point in Joplin.
Ozarks Technical Community College
• Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield is collecting new items for donation to tornado victims in Joplin. Donations can be brought to the campus parking lot at the corner of National Avenue and Chestnut Expressway, where they will be loaded directly into two tractor-trailers from OTC’s Transport Training Institute for transport to Joplin. Donations of non-perishable food, water, blankets, boxes, and more can be dropped off between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. through Wednesday. Donations will also be accepted Thursday until about 5 p.m.
The Community Foundation of the Ozarks
• The Community Foundation of the Ozarks, with its Joplin-Carthage area affiliate, has established the Joplin Recovery Fund for donors interested in supporting mid- and long-term community redevelopment efforts to rebuild the city. Contributions to the Joplin Recovery Fund can be made online Please note “Joplin Recovery Fund” in the Fund/Program box.
Checks can be mailed to: Community Foundation of the Ozarks, P.O. Box 8960, Springfield, MO, 65801.
All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the IRS. The Joplin Recovery Fund will not be directed to emergency needs, such as food and shelter.
Family Pharmacy
• Family Pharmacy in Joplin, located at 32nd and Indiana is remaining open on backup generator power. Family Pharmacy is distributing free first aid supplies and bottled water at that Joplin location as well as filling emergency medications for the public. Family Pharmacy also has a store in Carl Junction that has been fully operational . We are able to assist anyone in filling emergency medications; you do not have to be a prior customer of Family Pharmacy.
The Greater Ozarks Chapter of the Red Cross
• The Greater Ozarks Chapter of the Red Cross has established a shelter at Missouri Southern State College, 3950 East Newman Road, Joplin, MO 64801. The shelter facility is the Leggett and Platt Athletic Center. The facility can also accommodate pets.
Missourians interested in volunteering to assist should call 800-427-4626 or 2-1-1. Those with medical skills interested in volunteering should go to: wishing to make donations to help with the relief effort can go to or call 800-427-4626 or 2-1-1.
Friday, April 22, 2011
On April 20th, 2011 The CUFA USA TV held it's second meeting. It took place in Encino, California, and among the attendees were the organization's Audio-Visual Coordinator, Event Coordinator, International Communications Coordinator and the CUFA USA TV team.
Many subjects surfaced, and among these were upcoming Media projects, Festivals, Organization Growth, Communication advancements and at the end, we concluded with a brief Staff Development session addressing Internet Communication.
Ck out the pictures below:

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer Camp with CUFA's All STAR streetball legend Jay "Boogie"
CUFA USA's Los Angeles team spent an afternoon with the kids from Venice B-ball camp today. The b-ball camp focuses on teaching street basketball fundamentals and techniques to kids ages 5-12 years old, and although 120 kids were present, it was so fun and so NOISY that it sure felt like we had double the amount of kids in the gym!
It is always incredible to be reminded just how important the relationship the coaches share with the campers is and how these role models can really bring joy and hope to them. We successfully fulfilled our primary goal to use activities such as sports as a tool both to relate to and reach the kids, get to know them and make sure that we see a smile on each and every child's face.
Jay Boogie is the man behind the smiles, CUFA USA's motivational speaker, mentor and ALL STAR player from the world famous HOOPTAINERS.
What many might not know is that the South Central LA native has his hear set on giving back, knowing the difficulties associated with growing up in a poor community inspires him to reach out and make a difference.
And that wrapped up a day filled with new friendships, big smiles and renewed self-esteem!
Invited by CUFA, Brazil Presidential Candidates will go to the FAVELAS (Slums, Ghettos) to present their proposals to the people
Democracy and the Slums
CUFA, Central Union of the Slums invites all residents of The City of God, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as in the prior elections, to welcome the 2010 Presidential Candidates. This is a time where the community will hear each party's proposal and have an opportunity to address and discuss their social problems as well as have a chance to come up with their own counter-proposals.
It is important to highlight that CUFA exercises this initiative for more than 15 years. It is in this same " Favela", portuguese word meaning Slum, that we have received many other Candidates, such as Geraldo Alckmin, Fernando Gabeira, Eduardo Paes, Jandira Feghali, Cesar Maia and even current Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva among others that at the time pleaded for their space within the world of politics. With that being said, CUFA invites the candidates for a democratic gathering of which the purpose concentrates on narrowing the gap of the relationship between the Rio de Janeiro Favela communities and the Presidential Candidates of Brazil. The gathering will take place at CUFA's City of God Branch located at: rua José Arimatéia, nº 90.
CUFA, Central Union of the Slums invites all residents of The City of God, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as in the prior elections, to welcome the 2010 Presidential Candidates. This is a time where the community will hear each party's proposal and have an opportunity to address and discuss their social problems as well as have a chance to come up with their own counter-proposals.
It is important to highlight that CUFA exercises this initiative for more than 15 years. It is in this same " Favela", portuguese word meaning Slum, that we have received many other Candidates, such as Geraldo Alckmin, Fernando Gabeira, Eduardo Paes, Jandira Feghali, Cesar Maia and even current Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva among others that at the time pleaded for their space within the world of politics. With that being said, CUFA invites the candidates for a democratic gathering of which the purpose concentrates on narrowing the gap of the relationship between the Rio de Janeiro Favela communities and the Presidential Candidates of Brazil. The gathering will take place at CUFA's City of God Branch located at: rua José Arimatéia, nº 90.
So far the following candidates have already confirmed their attendance, Marina Silva and Dilma Roussef, whose parties did not hesistate to publicize their appearance, also Plínio Sampaio. Both Marina Silva and Dilma Roussef openly notified through their official twitters that they will be present at the City of God.
Candidates invited:
Plínio Arruda Sampaio (confirmed), Marina Silva (confirmed), Dilma Roussef (confirmed), and José Serra ( awaiting confirmation).
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