Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Invited by CUFA, Brazil Presidential Candidates will go to the FAVELAS (Slums, Ghettos) to present their proposals to the people

Democracy and the Slums

CUFA, Central Union of the Slums invites all residents of The City of God, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as in the prior elections, to welcome the 2010 Presidential Candidates. This is a time where the community will hear each party's proposal and have an opportunity to address and discuss their social problems as well as have a chance to come up with their own counter-proposals.

It is important to highlight that CUFA exercises this initiative for more than 15 years. It is in this same " Favela", portuguese word meaning Slum, that we have received many other Candidates, such as Geraldo Alckmin, Fernando Gabeira, Eduardo Paes, Jandira Feghali, Cesar Maia and even current Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva among others that at the time pleaded for their space within the world of politics. With that being said, CUFA invites the candidates for a democratic gathering of which the purpose concentrates on narrowing the gap of the relationship between the Rio de Janeiro Favela communities and the Presidential Candidates of Brazil. The gathering will take place at CUFA's City of God Branch located at: rua José Arimatéia, nº 90.

So far the following candidates have already confirmed their attendance, Marina Silva and Dilma Roussef, whose parties did not hesistate to publicize their appearance, also Plínio Sampaio. Both Marina Silva and Dilma Roussef openly notified through their official twitters that they will be present at the City of God.

Candidates invited:
Plínio Arruda Sampaio (confirmed), Marina Silva (confirmed), Dilma Roussef (confirmed), and José Serra ( awaiting confirmation).