CUFA, Central Union of the Slums of Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the State of Rio de Janeiro, participated this Wednesday July 7, 2010 in a event at a Rio neighborhood school Joao Ayres Saldanha, where twelve tons of cement was given to the families affected by the floods and mudslides that occured earlier this year. 70 families were iniatially registered to receive the help, but the donations went beyong expectation and aid reached more than 150 families with each family receiving 120 kilos. The figures were recorded at the time of the event.
Present at the event was Carolina Figuereido of Chrevron, the company donating the cement, Marina Pombo from Firjan the company mediating the donation, and Allen Borges the Superintendent of Youth Public Policies, representating the Government of Rio. Also there were Nega Gizza and MV Bill along with the reperesentatives of CUFA.
According to Chevron's Social public relations coordinator, Carolina Figueredo, CUFA had an important role in the intermediation, serving as a fundamental partner in the area of registering the families in need, " Without CUFA, we would not have been able to reach these families that needed help." concluded Carolina, adding that she hopes that the cement provided simbolizes hope, and a new beginning for the families.
Firjan- Federation of the Industries of the state of Rio de Janeiro, was represented by the coordinator of social relations Mariana Pombo who stated " Firjan's role here is to promote and build an awareness for the industries of Rio de Janeiro to create programs and social actions within the state." MV Bill and Nega Gizza spoke about the importance of the cement donation being more than an act, but rather a solution,one more way to ease the suffering of the families that were victims to the floods." The government representative, Allen Borges said that " this is not just a cement donation, it represents hope." One of the recepients of the aide, Ronald Oliveira, shared that he received 3 bags of cement, a very gratifying help for someone who was left with nothing.
This was another event that showed the importance and power of CUFA's mobilization within the society, reiterating our role and commitment to the society to provide citizenship, education, culture and sports to the less fortunate.
By: Cristiana Richard
Photos: Luciano Gomes
Translation: CUFA USA